Restrict some users from access  Exchange OWA at home from Forefront UAG


In our Exchange 2013 environment, there are two Forefront UAG servers which publish OWA, Outlook Anywhere to Internet.

The customer has a requirement, the abc security group can only visit mail at company. Out of company mail access is forbidden.

I found in the publish application, there is a Authentication tab. the currently setting is "All authenticated users" allowed.

Can I change the setting below to get the goal?

Authenticated users    Allow

ABC group                 Deny

I think that should be fine, but I don't have test servers to have a test.

Any input will be highly appreciated.

July 5th, 2015 8:34pm

any idea on this?
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July 12th, 2015 9:06pm


Yes that should be sufficient, for more information you can use the link below.

Let me know, how it goes.

P.S: Please mark as answer or Vote as helpful if you find so. 

July 15th, 2015 8:25am

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